
We bet you have questions.

The smartest people always do.

We bet you have questions.

The smartest people always do.

Personal Loans

How do I get rewarded for paying off my debt?

Each time you make a payment, we invest a big portion of that, so you build wealth every month. By the time your loan is paid off, you will have something substantial to show for it.

Let's illustrate with an example.

Meet Mary. She was paying $355/month towards $10,000 of credit card debt. By refinancing with Upside, she now pays $375/month, with $254 going towards her loan and $121 automatically invested monthly.

With Upside, once her loan is paid off, she will have paid $5,236 in interest (vs $7,137 without Upside).

Additionally, by investing early, Mary has given her money time to compound. As a result, her monthly investments have produced earnings of $8,250 in total wealth at the end of term.

How is my money invested?

Your money will be invested into a portfolio that holds US treasuries and cash.

Can I withdraw my money early?

You can withdraw your money after the loan is paid off. The investments are used as collateral for the loan, which is how we can get low rates for you while creating room to build your net worth.

Student Loans

How is my money invested for retirement?

Your money will be invested into a personalized portfolio that holds shares in individual stocks and/or bond ETFs.

After answering questions about your level of experience and comfort with the risks of investing, you will be given a personalized recommendation about how to split your investments between stocks and bonds. You can choose to accept this recommendation, invest your money more conservatively (more towards bonds) or more aggressively (more towards stocks).

In addition to controlling your risk preferences, you also have the ability to customize your investments based on your personal values. For example, if you want to avoid investing in companies that profit from tobacco products or cruelty to animals, you can exclude them from your investment portfolio.

Conversely, you can choose to emphasize, or “lean-in”, to certain types of companies that have a strong track record on issues like fighting climate change (e.g. companies building wind turbines) or promoting access to clean water (e.g. companies that build water treatment systems).

Should I do this or my 401(k) plan?

Both! By extending your student loan with us, your monthly payment can decrease considerably. This actually makes it easier to put money into your 401k plan -- take full advantage of employer matching and tax-deferred investing. We highly encourage it!

Can I withdraw my money early?

You can withdraw your money before retirement, but only after the student loan is paid off. The investments are used as collateral for the loan, which is how we can get low rates for you while creating lots of room to build wealth with each payment.

How is my money invested for retirement?

Honestly, yes...but you get something for it. Let us illustrate with an example. Meet Mary. She was paying $650/mo towards $46,000 of student loans. With Upside, she now pays $600/mo, with $200/mo going towards her loan and $400/mo automatically invested. By the time Mary pays off her Upside student loan, she will have paid $26,070 in interest (vs $8,600 without Upside). However, by investing early Mary has given her money plenty of time to compound. As a result, her lifetime contribution of $144,000 (the money she invested) has produced earnings of $1,187,000.

Combined, Mary’s total wealth is $1,331,000.