Let’s start your project

Brokerage services are provided by Atomic Brokerage LLC "Atomic Brokerage", member FINRA and SIPC. Clearing and custody services are provided by Brokerage firm BNY Mellon Pershing, member SIPC. Upside Financial has a relationship with Atomic Brokerage to manage and execute investments on behalf of customers. Advisory services are offered through Atomic Invest LLC ("Atomic Invest"), an SEC-registered investment advisor, member SIPC. Atomic Invest was formerly known as Helium Advisors LLC."
See Atomic Invest LLC General Disclosures, Form ADV Part 2A, and Form CRS.
The personal loan projections are based on a refinanced loan using the estimated credit score and the principal balance that you provided on our website, and we assume all payments are made on time. The projected wealth amounts assume that certain amounts are deposited into the wealth account each month. Deposit amounts depend on the terms of the specific loan. The projected wealth amounts are not adjusted for inflation. Investments are assumed to grow at an estimated rate of 5%. Actual results may vary. Complete your application to explore your options.